Learn Tarot: A Relationship Spread

Hey everyone! I’ve been a busy bee this past week shooting lots of new video content for my YouTube channel and for IGTV. When I first launched my Patreon in 2018, my goal was to produce one video a month. This week, I uploaded five new videos! I couldn’t have done it without the support of my Patrons (past and present), so shout out to the coven for allowing me to shift my business model in a way that grants me the time to produce more free content.

I want to start branching out into more educational material, and this video is my first stab at that. Whether you’re a tarot expert or just starting out, I hope you enjoy learning about the spread I use for relationship readings.

If you haven’t already, please like, comment, and subscribe to my channel. If you hit the bell, you’ll get notifications every time I upload a new video.

Thanks for watching, and happy Lupercalia!

